EPX Logo and Name Use
Logos are for use by members only. Please refer back to trademark usage agreement below for questions regarding how you may use this logo.
Logo Color Variations

EPX is a non-registered name but use should be consistent with a registered name. Whenever using “EPX”, the first usage in a document should contain the “™” symbol.
Name & Logo Use
EPX members may use the EPX name or logo when participating in or conducting EPX business-related activities. Examples of proper use would include: Referring to EPX in company correspondence.
Marketing to builders.
Used on company web sites.
Improper use of EPX logo would include: Any altering of the font or color.
Misrepresenting the purpose of EPX.
Additional Use and Changes
If a Member wants to use the logo for something that is not within clear use guidelines, they should submit a request to the Managing Director for approval. The Managing Director’s decisions on use are final.